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Nov 16th

Knowledge for the Anthropocene


Paper presentations - session 1
Chair: Ana Cristina Fachinelli (Universidade de Caxias do Sul)

A contribuição do programa nota fiscal gaúcha para o desenvolvimento sustentável do município de Caxias do Sul (RS) 
Larissa Scalia Boff (UCS); Marlei Salete Mecca (UCS); Alex Eckert (UCS)

Cenário da economia criativa na cidade de Pelotas, Brasil: uma análise sob a ótica do sistema de capitais
Aline da Luz Garcia (UFPel); Priscila Nesello (UFPel); Ana Cristina Fachinelli Bertolini (UCS)

Diagnóstico del capital instrumental de Arequipa como ciudad emergente del conocimiento
Glenn Roberto Arce Larrea, Wendy Anne Ugarte Mejía, Carlos Pedro Vera Ninacóndor, Graciel Anayka Bailon Huayhua, Carol Rudh Huamani Cotacallapa, Leidy Fiorela Rodrigo Callo, Estephany Yrasely Ramos Pacheco, Angela Daniela Portugal Pacheco  (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa)

Influenciadores digitais e o sistema de capitais como fator para contratação de serviços
Camila Waltzer (UFPel); Priscila Nesello (UFPel); Isabel Cristina Rosa Barros Rasia (UFPel)

Opening Ceremony
Ana Cristina Fachinelli (Universidade de Caxias do Sul)
Alex Eckert (Universidade de Caxias do Sul)
Javier Carrillo (World Capital Institute)
Juliano Rodrigues Gimenez (Universidade de Caxias do Sul)

Panel Plenary 1a: Emerging Knowledge Systems
Curator: Javier Carrillo (World Capital Institute)
Chair: Irene Guijt (Oxfam)
Alexander Ruser (U. of Agder)
Audrey Groleau (U. du Québec)
Julia Puaschunder (The New School, NY)
Sabelo Ndlovu-Gasteni (U. of Bayreuth)

17:15 - 17:45


Panel Plenary 1b: Rethinking economy (models) for the Anthropocene
Curator: Günter R. Koch (World Capital Institute)
Chair: Cristian Ducoing (Lund University)
Cíntia Marino (UNINOVE)
Daniel Dahm (World Future Council) 
Jason Monios (Kedge Business School)
Richard Heinberg (Post Carbon Institute)
Warren Mosler (Valance Co. Inc.)

Lançamento da parceria entre UCS -  City Living Lab e FAMURS
Launching of UCS - City Living Lab and FAMURS partnership


Nov 17th

KBD and Knowledge Cities

Paper presentations - session 2
Chair: Rafael Perini  (Universidade de Caxias do Sul)

Assessing community vulnerability with disaster risk mapping: the case of São Paulo, Brazil
Jairo Filho Sousa de Almeid (UNINOVE); Tatiana Tucunduva Philippi Cortese (UNINOVE/IEA-USP); Tan Yigitcanlar (Queensland University of Technology)

Disasters and social vulnerability in the city of São Paulo
Rafaela Pastoura Santos (UNINOVE); Tatiana Tucunduva Philippi Cortese (UNINOVE/IEA-USP)

Puerto Rico as island of knowledge: lessons learned from successful entrepreneurs
Eliut Daniel Flores-Caraballo (University of Puerto Rico)

Invited paper: Contributions of international events on local development: the case of the 2011 KCWS in Bento Gonçalves
Larissa Diana Michelam, (UNINOVE); Tatiana Tucunduva Philippi Cortese (UNINOVE); Tan Yigitcanlar (Queensland University of Technology)

Panel Plenary 2a: Knowledge-based regenerative cities
(restorative relationship between cities and natural systems)
Curator: Ana Cristina Fachinelli (World Capital Institute)
Chair:  Tatiana Tucunduva Philippi Cortese (UNINOVE)
Cathrin Zengerling (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität)

Jose Antonio Marengo Orsini (Cemaden)
Marcos Buckeridge (USP)

17:15 - 17:45


Panel Plenary 2b: The Most Admired Knowledge Cities Award: legacy and future
Curator: Blanca C. Garcia (World Capital Institute)
Ana Cristina Fachinelli (UCS)
Eliut Daniel Flores-Caraballo (University of Puerto Rico)
Glenn Roberto Arce Larrea (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa)

Nov 18th

City Preparedness for the Climate Crisis

Paper presentations - session 3
Chair: Priscila Nesello (Universidade de Caxias do Sul)

Knowledge cities, creative cities and place: concepts and connections
Rodrigo Salvati (UCS); Greice Viviana Portal Salvati (UCS)

Século da Metrópole: o olhar convergente das Teorias Do Lugar Central e dos Polos de Crescimento
Vinicius De Tomasi Ribeiro (UCS); Ana Cristina Fachinelli (UCS)

The COVID-19 pandemic impact on citizen life satisfaction
Marcelo Benetti Correa da Silva (UCS); Marina Giacometti Valente (UCS); Ana Cristina Fachinelli (UCS); Gessica Giacomin Soares (UCS); Vinicius Ribeiro (UCS)

Panel Plenary 3a: Post-Holocene Urban Commons
Curator: Javier Carrillo (World Capital Institute)
Chair: Velina Petrova (Oxfam)
Daniel Dahm (World Future Council)
Douglas Kelbaugh, (U. of Michigan)
Gavin Keeney (Metropolitan Transmedia Authority, NY)
Richard Heinberg, (Post Carbon Institute)


17:15 - 17:45


Panel Plenary 3b: Reimagining Cities in the Anthropocene
Curator: Cathy Garner (World Capital Institute)
Chair: Sirkku Juhola (U. of Helsinki)
Lelani Mannetti (Urban Studies Institute)
Lorena Pasquini (U. of Cape Town)

Raphaële Bidault-Waddington, (LIID Future Lab)
Tatiana Schreiner (UFSC)


Presentation: Brazil and Australia Smart City Project
Tan Yigitcanlar (Queensland University of Technology)



Nov 19th

16:00 – 16:35

16:35 – 17:15


17:15 - 17:45

Book presentations:
Each of the two sessions will provide time for discussion on the principal aspects and findings from the book chapters.
Knowledge for the Anthropocene
Günter R. Koch (World Capital Institute); Javier Carrillo (World Capital Institute); Daniel Dahm (United Sustainability); Sylvain Cottong, (Exploring Futures)

City Preparedness for the Climate Crisis
Cathy Garner and Javier Carrillo (World Capital Institute)



Presentation: A transdisciplinary agenda in future university education
Chair: Guenter Koch (World Capital Institute)
Monika Schröttle (University of Nürnberg, INFUNI)



Closing session: KCWS legacy and future
Chair: Cathy Garner (World Capital Institute)
Ana Cristina Fachinelli (UCS)
Jamile Marques (UFSC and USP)
​Javier Carrillo (World Capital Institute)


Shared attraction with the "XXI Mostra de Iniciação Científica, Pós-graduação, Pesquisa e Extensão" - PPGA (Graduate Business Administration Program)

Schedule subject to change.
All content is available on the online platform.
TBC - To be confirm

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