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A city is a living laboratory for innovation. A Living Lab is an environment for innovation and an approach to innovation. According to the European Network of Living Labs, a Living Lab is an open and innovative environment of "real life" circumstances, in which innovation aimed at users is part of the co-creation process for new services, products, and social infrastructure. Living labs encompass, simultaneously, social and technological dimensions in a partnership between companies, citizens, governments, and universities.
It is an ecosystem where different partners work side by side, sharing knowledge while interacting with a variety of knowledge and technologies, inducing a fertile ground for innovation, research, and interdisciplinary communication.
Knowledge cities (CC)
Which refers to social studies, applied the
Brazilian cities, regions, and neighborhoods
Knowledge-based business (NBC)
It is aimed at companies and sectors
that drive the country's economy.
Within these two areas are studies associated with the following contexts:
Sustainable buildings and cities (SBC)
Studies that aim to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Observation, development and
tourist and territorial intelligence (ODITT)
It is aimed at studying approaches, methods and techniques of observation; the use and development of observation tools and systems and the development of applied observation processes to support tourist and territorial intelligence.
Capital systems (CS)
It is a formal knowledge management system based on a category structure in a complete and consistent taxonomy